Ahead of The Mandalorian‘s Season 2 release this October, Hasbro has been slowly but surely rolling out their range of “Baby Yoda” figures over the past couple of months. We unboxed The Black Series 1.1-inch figure in April, and the 6.5-inch figure in May.
This month, fresh from the warehouse, and rolling out to stores as we speak, are the adorable The Bounty Collection figures. This latest iteration of the ever-popular The Child comes in 3 different sets of 2 to choose from, so choose wisely, or get all 3: Don’t Leave & Ball Toy 2-Pack, Sipping Soup & Blanket-Wrapped 2-Pack, Froggy Snack & Force Moment 2-Pack.

These 2.2-inch collectible figures come packed in hover crib-inspired packaging. With boxes this cute, how could one bear to break the figures out of the packaging?

Each figure features a fixed pose, so don’t expect any moveable parts. Just unbox them, place them on your desk, and have your hearts melt when you need to take a break from work.
Later this month, we’ll be taking a look at The Child Talking Plush Toy from Hasbro, and finally, in December, The Animatronic Edition of The Child will hit stores just in time for Christmas, which will be the fifth and final one for the year.