If you’re wondering how long it would take for someone to build a life-size replica of M3GAN, the sentient robot doll from the film of the same name that has inspired a sequel, the answer would be two years. Collectible company NECA announced a life-sized replica of M3GAN would be available for purchase, that is, if you dare to.

The listing’s description on NECA’s site reads that the doll is “duplicated from actual film-used digital files to be the most screen-accurate representation available”, and “the fabric material of her dress matches an exact swatch of the dress from the movie”, but don’t forget what happened the last time M3GAN went home — especially if you have children, you should keep an eye on them. M3GAN stands at over 4ft tall, approximately 121cm, towering over your traditional dolls.

But owning such a collectible is an investment, and M3GAN does not come cheap. She’ll cost you close to S$666, and that’s before shipping, but if you’re an avid horror item collector, the doll is well worth the cost with its screen-accurate design.
Perhaps it’s a good thing too that M3GAN can’t walk or talk in real life, or else the film would have been a horrifying self-fufilling prophecy.