Who’s your favourite Prime? Or rather, what’s your favourite Prime Lens? And what if you can have them both?
Unboxing by Bobby Tonelli
In a partnership that’s much More Than Meets The Eye, Transformers brand owner Takara Tomy and leading Japanese professional camera maker Canon have combined their forces to design and create the most name-accurate Prime – Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobot that can transform into the Canon R5 DSLR! Enter the Transformers x Canon Optimus Prime R5.

Non-working of course. This collaboration by Canon and Takara Tomy certainly took us by surprise, by bringing us the best of both worlds into one wild and hard-to-get exclusive that’s only available in Japan!

Thanks to a Space Bridge and before we can even declare that all exclusives are the right of Transformers fans around the world, we got our hands on this Matrix of Leader….. we mean this Transformers x Canon Optimus Prime R5 for review and found it pretty niffy, but it left us wanting more!

Sadly, it’s not a 1:1 scale creation but it’s close and of all the licensed Optimus Primes out there, some of which are weird (we’re looking at you Pepsi), this is one of the strangest that actually makes sense. Optimus Prime and Prime Lens – Till All Are One!