We finally get the closest look at the upcoming Assassin’s Creed and Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond set coming out on 5 July 2024.
While we’ve seen drips and drabs of the set across the past few months, Wizards of the Coast gave players a full rundown of what to expect. Plus, even more cards will be coming out in the following weeks.

From the reveal stream, it seems that all the assassins across the Assassin’s Creed universe will be represented in the Magic: The Gathering set so with simple elimination we should expect the protagonists from Black Flag and Assassin’s Creed III to step out from the shadows soon enough.

Reprints have been a controversial topic with the player base but it gives newer entrants into the scene a chance to get hold of key cards to bling out their deck complete with new art. Additionally, there will be unique Assassin’s Creed weapons from the games that will make an appearance as well.

It wouldn’t be a proper Assassin’s Creed game without featuring iconic characters across time with the this Magic: The Gathering set we’ll be only scratching the surface. These friends and foes that the assassin’s meet will come in serialized and localized language so getting Cleopatra in Greek script is very much a possibility.

And finally, this might be the peak of the entire set – a six-card set that forms up the Rome vista with Ezio peering into the distance. Fans of the game will recognize this scene as they synchronize with the world and it’s now brought to life in Magic: The Gathering. The recent Outlaws of Thunder Junction set attempted to assemble a similar concept with stagecoaches but this is far superior.
The entire Assassin’s Creed Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond set can be preordered right now.
Gerald currently straddles between his love of video games and board gaming. There’s nothing that interests him more than trying out the newest and fanciest gadget in town as well. He dreams of publishing a board game sometime in the future!