
‘Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’ Revisits Pixel Art Glory With Fanmade Creation

Remember when we used to imagine what a 3D version of Pokémon would look like while we were enjoying these games before 2013? Fast forward to today and the likes of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and Pokémon Legends: Arceus are being enjoyed in all of their 3D glory. Ironically, it’s backwards now, with fans like Twitter user @Roncally_Hayate imagining how our polygonal characters from the games today would look like in pixel art of days past.

The Japanese creator took the time to design Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s eight gym leaders in pixel art, taking inspiration from the character design traits used in Pokémon Black and White, the last of the games that were bitmapped. The user even went to lengths to animate these characters — just look at how cute Iono is at the bottom right, flailing the sleeves of her oversized black-and-yellow jacket as her Magnemite hairclips rotate!

The fan artist also created a video and remixed the battle background music of all eight gym leaders in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet to mirror the style of Pokémon Black and White’s Nintendo DS soundtrack. Check it out below:

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The video further expands on the animations that reflect the memorable eccentricities of these eight gym leaders, like how elderly woman Ryme, MC of RIP, leader of Montenevera’s gym is bobbing along as she raps.

We would likely never get another 32-bit Pokémon game, but we have users like @Roncally_Hayate to thank when it comes to fanmade creations and imagining how 3D characters today would look in pixel art glory.